Wow, it's already fast approaching spring and time is zooming by. Since the first of the year, the staff here at Solace Radio, has been cramming and working with our New broadcasting software. The learning curve is exciting, for all of us.
At Solace Radio, we can now connecting everywhere in the world with our NEW Streaming Service biblical teachings and programming that relates to all of us and our hearts.

We've been busy this past month. Lining up new programs, teachings and information. One of the things we've implemented is new software for scheduling our programs, teachings and specials. We pray it will help you listen to the truth from our amazing teachers on a regular basis.
The Father continues to bless this mission, with prayer support and financial support from those who understand the times, and signs. We are Blessed Thank you.
We pray the improvements are a blessing to you and yours, thank you to all those who have supported Solace Radio in prayer and financially since 2007. Now celebrating our 17th year.
With the new broadcasting software we also have expanded our listener base, to handle the overwhelming listenership of Solace Radio since the end of the year.
Now capable of handling 10,000 listeners at one time, we are able to handle significantly the on going outpouring of the Word across the World Thank You Abba, for your continued blessings.

Please consider supporting Solace Radio with a one time or monthly donation. Here